🌊 ipcc report x climate live

With the IPCC AR6 report being released, I was tasked to create engaging graphics that not only pulled the reader in, but was also able to explain the key takeaways from the IPCC report. I was lucky enough to be able to receive embargoed materials the morning of the release, giving around 8 hours for creation, review, and publication.

The title slide was creating using multiple video effects and composites to hook the viewer - we knew that scrolling audiences would be exposed to a lot of IPCC content, so it was vital to make ours as engaging as possible. Additional time was spent on the title effects to ensure that it was not only visually engaging, but also accessible to read.

Title slide of post

After writing copy for the slides based off the embargoed materials, I used a simple paper texture and branding background as a template for the remaining slides to save time and create consistency. Additionally I highlighted important aspects so that those skim reading the post could still absorb some content, and to add some more variation to the designs.

May 15 Hero image

This task relied on my skills not only in content generation across graphics and video, but also copywriting and analysis to ensure that we were sharing the most valuable, important and accurate information with the release of such an important report.