about me
Hi there, thanks for checking out my portfolio. I’m Louis, I’m 20, and I’m a video & content producer, editor and social strategist.
What’s a Social Strategist, you might ask. Basically, I’m pretty good at working out how you can get your message out to your target audience. I specialise in digital climate communications, focussing on the Gen-Z age group. I’m on top of the latest trends, and know what content will draw people in.
Youth movements and non-profits are my strength. I’ve worked extensively with digital communications in youth climate groups such as School Strike 4 Climate and Fridays For Future, other non-profits such as Climate Live, plus social enterprises such as Curv.
Video and content that makes people engage and feel something is my passion. Whether that be a launch video, a campaign announcement, or just a general video to share an update to your supporters, I’m skilled at making sure that you can get that message out to the people who need to see it. I can help in any stage of the process - whether that be planning, scripting, production, editing, or campaigning, I’m keen to help.
Through my work in social media communications, I’ve managed to get good at a few things. I’m great at working through content planning, in both the long and short term.
From a production perspective, I’m great at storyboarding, scripting, production logistics, and most parts of post production. I also used to work in music production so I’m pretty good at anything music/audio related for your projects.
I’m great at managing Twitter, Instagram and TikTok accounts, and am proficient in their respective analytical analysis tools.
software skills
I’m proficient in video editing in both Davinci Resolve and Premiere Pro, and I’m currently learning both Blender and After Effects for 2D and 3D animation. From a graphical perspective, I’m great at Photoshop and know my way around Illustrator. I’m a very quick learner and mess around with programs a lot, so if you or your team use different software, don’t hesitate to contact me - I may know it already or be keen to learn.